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The Buyer Journey:
Foundation for a High-performing Website

Build the right foundation for your website with a complete buyer journey

Get a fast start on a website that helps you win and keep more customers.

The decision process of every customer is a journey. Understanding and supporting each step of that process allows you to win and keep customers online more effectively that a website that only covers a small part of the journey.

Don't leave gaps in your buyer journey. 

Buyer Journey Gaps mean that even great prospects will fall out or be scooped up by the competition.

Effective Buyer Journey offers value to the prospect by helping them understand and process their decision with information that you provide.   

How it works:

  • A highly effective process completed over 1 or 4-weeks
  • Facilitated meetings
  • Ask the right questions and get the right answers
  • Develop the insights that will result in a high-performing website.

What to expect:

  • Build the foundation for communication on your website that fits the way that buyers actually decision and purchase 
  • Improve lead quality and readiness by aligning the digital journey with what people want and need online
  • Clarify differentiators and create a unique pathway that helps more people get to "yes."

Create the foundation for attracting and winning more qualified customers.

Talk with Our Team

4-Week Overview

Week 1

Customers - Capture new insights into how your business or nonprofit meets customer needs along with gaps in the market you're positioned to fill.

Competition - Capture intel on how your competition wins customers and how you can position more effectively.

Week 2

Drivers & Deal Breakers - Draw new marketing and sales intelligence from the things that your customers or employees are looking for and what's stopping them from saying "yes".

Movers & Shakers - Understand and prepare the key elements of what changes the minds of people and moves them forward in their buying journey.

Week 3

Differentiators - create a fresh way to define and share what makes your company unique in the market

Dilemmas - Understand and bypass the ways that others claim to be different so that you stand out as special to your buyers.

Week 4

Pillars - Build on your competitive advantage by defining communication pillars that will support your newly defined differentiators.

Alignment Assignments- Sales and marketing teams take away their first growth assignments that are focused on the next most valuable actions to improve closed sales.