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Join us Thursdays at noon (EST) for crystal clear, sales aligned insights about how you can move from average to high performing marketing and sales.

The shift to high performance doesn't have to be hard, long, or slow. Join us on LinkedIn live to upgrade your growth.

June 9: How Rising Customer Expectations are Leaving B2B Sales Behind - How to Respond

Where and When: LinkedIn Live, 12 Noon

You'll master your next growth step in the amount of time it takes to finish your coffee.

Get Your Seat on LinkedIn Live Thursdays at Noon (EST)

Take marketing and sales further
to exceed customer digital expectations.

The path to effective digital and hybrid sales and marketing doesn't have to be frustrating or out of reach. We'll break down the key steps and practical ways you can make progress today.

Practical Tips

How to help sales and marketing teams make the most of digital engagement and the tech you've invested in.

Go Beyond a 30% Sales Play

Traditional sales tactics alone are now effective with only 30% of buyers.

What's Working

Get insights into what is working for other digital teams and how you can be more effective by aligning marketing and sales digitally.

Best Plays

Get insights into the best plays you can make to accelerate growth using digital and hybrid strategies.

Reach the 70%

Buyers now prefer digital and remote interaction before they ever talk to sales, and they are willing to purchase at high levels outside of traditional methods.

Enterprise Strategies

The strategies developed by high-performing organizations can be practically put to work with medium and small business - learn how.
Sales and Marketing Alignment Slant

Our Thank You For Attending

We'll provide free access to our comprehensive sales and marketing alignment system, complete with step by step process and video.

Get Stuff Done

Story Collaborative operates on the agile principle of get stuff done. What that means for you: all of our workshops, services and 8-Hour Launch programs have the goal of helping you take tangible steps that matter.   


We're a Sales Aligned Growth Team

Story Collaborative works as an outsource growth team that is sales aligned. No silo'd marketing, or digital work that isn't informed by sales, and the practical bottom line question is always, "did it create valuable sales conversations?"